Monday 30 July 2012

Team GB at London 2012

We hope everyone has been supporting Great Britain by watching them at the London 2012 Olympics over the past few days. Who knows, maybe you have even been lucky enough to visit London and see the Olympic Games first hand!

Team GB's First Olympic Medal of 2012

Lizzie Armistrad came second in the Women's Road Race to bring home a silver Olympic medal for Team GB yesterday. With an exceptional time of 3:35:29, she only missed out on the gold by mere milliseconds.

You can watch the last few moments of the race here.

"GB cyclist Lizzie Armitstead is delighted and "a bit shocked" after winning a silver medal in Sunday's women's road race.
Marianne Vos of the Netherlands claimed gold with Russian Olga Zabelinskaya third in a thrilling, rain-soaked race that ended in a sprint finish on The Mall in front of Buckingham Palace.
The trio formed a breakaway group and in a sprint for the line Vos had too much speed and power to win gold."
Source: BBC News

Monday 9 July 2012

Friday 6 July 2012

Olympic Dream Project features in the St Helens Star

(Click image to enlarge)

Olympic Opening Ceremony Video

Please take a minute to watch the video below. 
It was recorded, edited and produced by our student media team - led by Miss Vernon. Over the last few weeks they have used the excellent facilities in the CLC to create their own DVDs which will be sent out to the primary schools involved in our Olympic Dream Project.