Wednesday 28 March 2012

London 2012 Olympic Song- This is the Dream


Anonymous said...

what a fantastic song and such a wonderful voice for a 14 year old girl from Tarleton please download from itunes to help push Chloe into the Charts

Anonymous said...

I have never heard this Olympic song before and found the graphics and song made me more excited for the games to begin.Thanks for posting it! I live in Vancouver, Canada and we hosted the Winter Olympics in 2010. As residents of the city, we we had the time of our lives and it led to a display of national pride that I had not seen before. It felt as if we stepped out of the USA's shadow (they are only 30 minutes down the road). I know your Olympic experience this summer will make you proud of your country and your athletes and I hope you all have the time of your lives.

Anonymous said...

This young lady who is singing the Olympic Song is only 14 yrs old and has a fantastic voice. The song that was written by a London Producer has written a fantastic song that is so uplifting, the words used are perfect. I know this would be Chloe's Dream to peform at the olympics and for it to make it to the top of the charts... Lets do it Please download

Anonymous said...

This is Chloe Mclaughlan thankyou so much for putting my youtube video on your website it means so much too me and I feel very proud. I would love to perform the song for you at your school please leave a message on my facebook site and I will get back to you. Once again thankyou for your. Chloe x

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of song that we need that could inspire more kids to do their bit for the Olympics! Its such a lovely melody and hearftfelt lyrics....i really do hope we hear more of this in the run-up to summer! Well done Chloe. Just been on itunes and downloaded not one but 3 of her songs....Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where or how I can get the lyrics for this fab song. It's so inspirational I would love to do it with my school choir. I've downloaded the track and backing from itunes but now I need the lyrics.

Anonymous said...

if you would like the lyrics please like the facebook page and message me x

Anonymous said...

would love the lyrics - which facebook page?

Anonymous said...

If you facebook me under Chloe Mclaughlan I have a page just for the song thanks

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