Wednesday 27 June 2012

Olympic Opening Ceremony

We held an opening ceremony on Monday (25th June) which contained our own torch relay around Haydock, representatives from each school making their pledge for good and fair competition, Olympic themed dances and an explanation of what the Olympic Dream meant to us as students. The march of the athletes was held in the costumes of each school’s adopted country and led by our student teams. Over a thousand children have been part of these events over the last few months and it has truly inspired them to dream and believe in what is possible. We have received tremendous support, not only from pupils, parents and staff, but also from local organisations, particularly Christ Church, and celebrities too. We had many dignitaries attend our Olympic Opening Ceremony including the mayor of St Helens, the High Sherriff of Merseyside and Superintendent Rowley Moore from Merseyside Police. 
It hasn’t just been about sport, however, as a team of 25 pupils have filmed, edited and are now in the process of distributing the video from the events through their own DVD which will be sent out to all of the schools  involved, helping them to develop new skills beyond those of sport. 

You can view some images from the day below.
 (click images to enlarge them)


















Anonymous said...

WELL DONE JOSH DOWNEY - You deserve an Olympic Gold Medal for all your hard work, effort, dedication & time that you have put into The Olympic Dream Project. You were Brilliant on Monday. Mrs McKenna.

Anonymous said...

Really impressed with the way the sports hall looked and how smooth the ceremony ran (despite the powerpoint lag at one point!) I'm also impressed with how many important people you got to turn up, such as the mayor, the former mayor, and also a potential future olympian...
MASSIVE well done, not just to you, but to everyone that helped you: creating powerpoints and setting up technical equipment, decorating the sports hall and getting into school very early. Proud of my ol' high school :)

Megan Ryan-Loughran

Anonymous said...

I wholly agree but would also like to mention Lewis Green who worked so hard all week and Andy Prescott, Junior Oscar, Jenny Lea-Worth, Alice and all the Y11 prefects, Becky, James, Tasha, Chloe and Ben who gave freely of their time.The week was a huge success largely down to the comitment of the staff and the fantastic leadership skills displayed by so many of our students. Well done Team Haydock, I am so proud of you!
Mrs Griffiths

Unknown said...

Our project was, in true Olypmpic spirit, a whole team event. Every person involved had a part to play and we couldn't have done it if it hadn't have been for the commitment and passion displayed by all members of staff and pupils. Thank you!

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